Turism Activ in Natura

Română (România)Ukrainian (Ukraine)Deutsch (DE-CH-AT)
Developed activities

clockSectiunea cuprinde detaliile referitoare la activitatile proiectului ce au fost finalizate.

Road Show Ukraine

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Developed activities

The project implementation team had a road-show in the Chernovtsy region, on April 12th-14th, 2009. The route included the Lekece, Mygovo and Boyan tourist locations, and focused on:

  • -Promoting the NAP concept among tourism professionals from Ukraine;
  • -Identifying regions and trails that could become NAP locations and be promoted in the leaflets of the project.
Last Updated ( Sunday, 25 October 2009 09:45 )

Workshop on Active Tourism in the Suceava and Chernovtsy regions

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Developed activities
These sessions have been attended by 30 participants, regional authority representatives and tourism professionals from the Suceava and Chernovtsy area, tourism experts, national and cross-border parks representatives, tourism NGOs, the members of the project implementation team, as well as the Ukrainian partner representatives.  
Last Updated ( Sunday, 25 October 2009 09:31 )

Press conference – NAP project launch

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Developed activities


Decebmer 4th, 2009

Dimitrie Leonida lecture theatre

D Building, 2nd floor, University “Stefan cel Mare” Suceava

The conference focused on providing information to the media and the public about the NAP concept, the areas where it was implemented, details about the activities to be undertaken, presenting the promotion campaign materials, introducing the partners of the project and the available equipment for practicing active tourism activities.
Last Updated ( Sunday, 25 October 2009 09:29 )
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