Turism Activ in Natura

Română (România)Ukrainian (Ukraine)Deutsch (DE-CH-AT)

Ecological/environment education and understanding nature seminar

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Developed activities

The seminar focusing on ecological education and understanding nature was held in Vatra Dornei on 11th-13th May, 2009.

The seminar focused on training 12 individuals (9 from the Suceava region and 3 from Chernovtsy local guides or rangers, young graduates or professionals of national parks), providing information on understanding nature, protecting the environment and ecology.

As a follow-up of this activity, the NAP Bucovina website – www. turismactiv.ro –   will display a link that provides environment related information for those who access the site. The ecological education information posted on the site will include a small guide of best practices in nature, relevant photos of the 3 NAP locations, important information about tourist orientation. The information posted on the website will be periodically updated, should new challenges – either positive or negative – occur for tourists on the NAP trails. 

Last Updated ( Sunday, 25 October 2009 09:35 )

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