Turism Activ in Natura

Română (România)Ukrainian (Ukraine)Deutsch (DE-CH-AT)

Training of Trainers – active tourism guides

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Developed activities

The TOT programme for active tourism guides was organised in Suceava, on 22nd-25th May 2009. The programme provided the training for guides who will be able to provide information on the mountainous region of Bucovina, as well as the active tourism activities.

The training courses were held by a foreign professional employed by Kiefer Consulting, the company appointed to implement Nature Active Park/Nature Fitness Park.


  • Training at least 12 ski instructors in active tourism activities for key tourism regions in Romania and Ukraine (Nordic Walking activities, hiking, skating, etc).
The project will focus on organising a group of three instructors for each park. They will fulfil two important tasks during the project and after its closure: to guide and promote Nature Active Park/Nature Fitness Park; to train other local guides and instructors who will cover the subsequent growing number of tourists. 
Last Updated ( Sunday, 25 October 2009 09:38 )

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