Vila IULIA *** Contact: Iulia Usatiuc Str. Runc, Nr. 3C, Vatra Dornei Tel: +40 230 375551, +40 745 261972
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www.vilaiulia.go.ro |
Vila FRANZ JOSEPH *** Contact: Veronica Budai Str. Republicii, Nr. 5, Vatra Dornei Tel: +40 230 372251, +40 740 169039 +40 729 308189, +40 729 308191
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Vila CLASS *** Str. Dornelor, Nr. 8A, Vatra Dornei Tel: +40 230 374088, +40 749 095944 0745 618929
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www.vilaclass.ro |
Pensiunea POIANA IZVOARELOR **** Str. Popeni, Nr. 80, Vatra Dornei Tel: +40 0746 228990
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www.pensiuneapoianaizvoarelor.ro |
Pensiunea VÂNÃTORUL **** Contact: Aurica Olari Str. Runc, Nr. 8A, Vatra Dornei Tel: +40 230 375150, +40 230 374245
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www.pensiunea-vanatorul.ro |
Hotel MAESTRO *** Contact: Liviu Cepoi Str. Republicii, Nr. 1A, Vatra Dornei Tel: +40 230 375288, +40 743 827107
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www.hotelmaestro.ro |
Hotel CAROL *** Contact: Daniel Pasat Str. Republicii, Nr. 3, Vatra Dornei Tel: +40 230 374690, +40 745 537899
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www.hotelcarol.ro |
Hotel ALPIN **** Contact: Daniel Pasat Str. T. Vladimirescu, Nr. 5A, Vatra Dornei Tel: +40 230 370038, +40 745 537899
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www.hotel-alpin.ro |
Casa di DAVID **** Contact: Cristina Ioja Str. Gãrii, Nr. 5, Vatra Dornei Tel: +40 230 372223, +40 0728 556681
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www.casadidavide.ro |
Casa BUCOVINEANÃ *** Contact: Oana Gina Rapan Str. Vasile Deac, Nr. 2, Vatra Dornei Tel: +40 230 372588, +40 731 212971
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www.casa-bucovineana.ro |
Last Updated ( Thursday, 08 April 2010 09:03 )